I wasn't on hiatus on purpose.
Everything wasn't like it used to be.
I wish you're happy and everything would not be the same for now.
Last Friday was my college's The One Academy's Halloween Nights! I went there and see the crowd,it's AWESOME and SPOOKY!
Thanks to Matthias,he took the photos (:

My tiring face right after class then joined the party.LOLS-ED
I know right -.-"

Matthias,me and Carmen

My classmate,Leekee and his Bboy friend ,Lego Sam

Hardly could see the crowd in TOA as in we have to deal with assignments everyday even now I'm blogging and doing my assignments.I am one of the TOA ZOMBIES ;D

He'll just stare at you! *creeeepyy weihhh *

Hottie ghostly TOA Chics ^^
and lastly
I seriously need a big favor from you guys just to like my PHOTO LIKING.

well,not very good in editing but do support me pretty please?as simple as just like the PAGE and My photo the same old RULE BABES.
2.LIKE : http://www.facebook.com/ph oto.php?fbid=2250143408922 00&set=a.219508394776128.5 5032.103986876328281&type= 3&theater
Thank you for your support and please share with your friends ^^
Thank you for your support and please share with your friends ^^
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