Have you peeps drink the Tinge before? It's a natural mineral water that comes with two flavors which is the Lemon and Fruit Fusion that contains lemon,orange and lychee (: I personally love to drink the Lemon taste and I drink it often during classes too.It's because Tinge is unlike others flavoured drinks as it's non-carbonated,non-coloured and mildly sweetened. Very refreshing drinks during lecture class *serious* :D
As you could see, Tinge's is a bottled water comes with the celebrities appearances at the plastic packaging.It's a a trendy drink for outgoing teenagers (: Besides that,it ingredients are only water,sugar,citric acid,fruit flavors,sodium citrate and sodium benzoate .
You would even had seen the advertisement somewhere around in TV Commercial ;D
What's best of it that they are now have the Tinge's Online Games on their Facebook Page!
TINGE * click here *
It's the Tinge Saves the Stars Contest !
You could now drink it and WIN THE PRIZES.
Contests starts from 24 Oct 2011 until 4th Dec 2011
Calling Tinge heroes,Gary and Shila to save the stars from evil bouncing balls and WIN THE SUPERB PRIZES GIVEAWAYS.
Grand Prize : Samsung Galaxy Table x 3 and Canon Ixus 115HS x 7
It's so simple and the prizes awaits you ♥
Log on to www.facebook.com/Spritzer.Tinge
to join the Tinge Facebook Fan Page
Then,purchase and enjoy a bottle of TINGE
Participate in Tinge Saves the Stars game contest and just key in the Serial Number on TINGE Label,e.g 71234568
It's my turn ;D