I think everyone must be VERY THE BUSY ,
visit relatives...
balik kampung...
etc etc..
Every year,on the 2nd day of chinese new year.Me and my family as in my mother side sure back to Pahang to visit and makan makan.Well,you can see all the pics is very different from the previous post . WHY? because i didint make up lor =D and sleepy plus tired face.Nahh,whatever.But then,now the road is so silent and quiet because there's really "no car" on the road and can see most of the shop lots is closed at the moment. Like the world "end" lmaooo . =P
Terima ang pow must be the thing you "have to do"
Another cousin,actually i have alot but seldom see them.
She's very playful and hyperactive. Is like another puisee to me~
Then, 3 hours plus sitting in the car and napping like a pig all the way to Pahang,i even watched movie in the car already to get rid of the boredom. Once a year balik here,sure lah capture pics kao kao.
I think they had re-paint the house to look more modern,compare to previous year like woody dull dull,dark dark,dusty and bla bla bla you know la.
No added "msg" haha like what we ate nowadays,almost everyday is
fast food means fat means fast die. No wonder those uncles and aunties could live so long till hundereds =O
but is delicious =D
and prettylicious babe.
No law.
No saman lorr.
* ps : that was my idea only,don't take it seriously LOL.
Anyone please invite me to your house and grab ang pow =D
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